That was awesome man
Thanks for the info man. It was an excellent episode.
That was awesome man
Thanks for the info man. It was an excellent episode.
I don't get why this is an Anime fight, more of a DBz fight and it's still stretching the truth, a lot of anime fights are instance and epic, and because I'm a anime fan, doens't mean I'm gonna hate this because "OMG THIS IS NOT A ANIME FIGHT BULLSHIT" Like a lot of fans, it made me laugh and that's all that matters LOL
You do know, that can happen in real life, maybe not that much blood LOL
But when a man see a beautiful woman or see a naked woman, the blood pressure quickly rises causing a sudden gosh of blood from the nose.
It's like when a person blushes, it's just a flow of blood that is concentrating on one spot.
Would suck though, to have blood gosh that much LOL
Make some more though LOL
THis IS OUTSTANDING , I felt like I was watching a actual Anime.
The story is getting interesting and i like how you plan it out so well. I can't wait for the other episodes.
criminal criminal criminal
Xd that was funny as hell, That yellow guy is really creepy. Although he also comitted murder XD. Keep it up.I gave a 5 .
Shadow and Cecil got Raped XD
The story is getting deeper and darker, which is great, and the way you move the sprites are awesome..keep getting better ^_^
I vote for Celes(I think that was her name) mainly cause i felt she lost her role on the story and is getting quite boring.
Link is a bit mysterous , so I want to see more of him.
Shadow also seems mysterous and also is the heart of the Behamut team(For me atleast)
Bub, he's just to damn cool, He owned half of the people already XD
XD that was funny...But it would of been better if aron said it, since Halo is like a kids game...way to easy.
I gotta say, this has to be by far the best LOZ story i seen here.You do a great job on Character personailty, storyline, ETC.
But to tell ya the truth, I was kinda mad, cause i tought Diggs wasn't gotta be on it anymore, He's my Fave character XD. But you put him up, so I was happy XD. You should put a girl to join the party, or Koragra, since he seems pretty cool. Keep working hard ^_^
That was awesome and enjoyable, but I think Red XIII is an awesome character,he's my second fave.
Everything improve and it's remarkable. I love seeing your work. Awesome one again. ^_^
Joined on 3/10/08